Working it Out or How to Kick Depression and Anxiety’s Butt with Exercise


It will come as no surprise to my regular followers that for me lifting weights is my therapy, I find balance and clarity when I have my alone time with the iron.

Having suffered from both depression and anxiety in my time, and I do say suffer because that’s exactly how I felt before I had answers, the ability to let go through movement is a revelation and a safe effective way to relinquish my need for absolute control.

I appreciate we are all different and I wouldn’t presume to tell you that lifting is the best way for you, however I would encourage you to give it a go. Being able to shift heavy weight helps so much with feelings of hopelessness, inadequacy and low self esteem. If like me you let go enough to scream it out that just adds to the effect!

While it’s been a long time since I had depression it’s not a linear process and some days I feel so down or anxious it gets overwhelming. That’s were lifting comes in. I get out of the house, train with my PT or my gym buddy or at strength camp and suddenly things seem better or at least I can dump some of the baggage so that I can start to feel again. I’ve always had a problem with trust, opening myself up and allowing myself to be vulnerable. My hour or so in the gym let’s me work through that so for the time being at least I find solace.

If I can encourage just one person on the road to strength and confidence I will be a very happy woman!



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